Im Rahmen der 2017 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence im August 2017 in Leipzig organisieren wir eine Special Session zu “Information Technologies for Enhanced Urban Participation of Seniors”. In der Session sollen Arbeiten aus dem Projekt als auch als verwandten Projekten präsentiert und diskutiert werden.
Bis 21. Mai 2017 können wie unten im Call for Papers beschrieben Einreichungen zur Special Session erfolgen – aus denen dann die auf der Tagung zu präsentierenden Beiträge ausgewählt werden.
Call for Papers
Special Session on Information Technologies for Enhanced Urban Participation of Seniors (INTENSE)
at the 2017 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
August 23-26, 2017 in Leipzig, Germany
The rapid development of information technologies pushes forwards almost all facets of our lives. High number of various data with a different levels of complexity such as Big Data, Small Data and traces can be acquired and collected from multiple sources starting from small mobile devices and ending up to the internet. Sufficient analysis of this data could enormously contribute to the extraction of highly relevant personalized information. Thus bioparameters, locations, the usage of devices, the consumer behavior and the social live of each one individual can be analyzed, monitored and supported. This knowledge can be utilized in an outstanding manner to enhance the participation of seniors at the urban life and to impact decisively the creation of new solutions to the aging society problems.
One possibility to achieve such solutions is built on the human-technique-interaction with individual or connected in networks smart urban objects, which can have an additional web information interface. Another possibility to support seniors could be the development of devices and software, which improve the safety in the urban room and make their lives more independent in that way.
All this solutions require innovative concepts integrating knowledge from different disciplines e.g. Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Social Science, Elderly Care and Health. Furthermore, new classes of smart devices reliably functioning outside in the urban space should be developed and organized in networks. Human-centered computing algorithms, systems and activities allowing an adaptation to the age-related personal characteristics and disabilities need to be elaborated. Finally, corresponding IT-infrastructures operating in the entire urban room should be established.
Topics of Interest
INTENSE invites contributions (regular or short presentations) in the areas of Data Science, Human-Centric Computing, as well as Network Science related to solutions for seniors within urban regions/private homes.
Submission Guidelines
WI’17 solicits original work submitted as a regular paper (limited to 6-8 pages) or short paper (limited to 4 pages) in ACM 2-column format. Each paper will be peer-reviewed by at least two PC members on the basis of relevance, originality, significance and clarity. Accepted papers will be published in the conference workshop proceedings by ACM and indexed by EI. Papers have to be submitted via the cyberchair submission page and according to the rules specified on this page:
Important Dates
- May 21, 2017: Submission deadline of Special Session papers
- June 12, 2017: Notification of Special Session paper acceptance
- June 19, 2017: Camera-Ready Papers (Special Sessions)
- August 23-26, 2017: Main conference
Workshop Organizers
Galina Ivanova, University of Leipzig, Germany, galina.ivanova [at] uni-leipzig [dot] de
Michael Koch, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany, michael.koch [at] unibw [dot] de
Joerg Leukel, University of Hohenheim, Germany, joerg.leukel [at] uni-hohenheim [dot] de